The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is responsible for
managing the state's natural resources.
DNR puts into place policies and programs for the conservation, management,
use and protection of these resources.
The Department of Natural Resources has been generous enough to send sections
of the "Rules and Regulations" that
pertain to the use of land owned and /or managed by DNR. The Rules and Regulations
set the guide lines for what
is and is not permitted on DNR land and in turn are enforced by the officers
of DNR.
We have posted two versions here for your convenience. One is everything
they have presented in it's entirety
and then the second is an abridged version with only what is pertinent to
the full size 4 wheel drive vehicles
being used on DNR land. If you are going to ride on DNR land, at least read
the abridge version here. If you
are going to hike, bike, camp, hunt or anything else, read the full
document. Know what you can and can't do
before you go. Any law enforcement officer will tell you, "Ignorance
of the law is no excuse".
Yahoo- an individual who displays total lack of respect for the forest, the
trails through out it, and the
other off-road enthusiasts with whom they share them
The statues posted here are as they were sent to this web-site
by the Department of Natural Resources. Wording has not been
changed in any way including the abridged version. Trick'n'Traction 4WD Club,
this web site, nor the web master except any
responsibility for the interpretation the reader may make. If you do not understand
or have a question, call the Department of Natural
Resources and ask. They will help
you. The Officers of DNR are not against any one enjoying our states natural
but they are against individuals breaking the rules and tearing it up.