Club Name
This organization shall be known as the Trick’N’Traction 4 Wheel Drive Club. (Here after known as T-N-T ) T-N-T was officially recognized on March 11, 1999 by the State of South Carolina and was issued a Certificate of Incorporation, Nonprofit Corporation. (Documentation available upon request)
Club Address
Club address shall be recognized as the home address of the current club president (Address available upon request)
T-N-T was organized for street legal full-size four wheel drive vehicles as recognized by the State of South Carolina for the purpose of:
1. Promoting family unity and values in four wheel off road recreation.
2. Providing social, educational and recreational activities for its members and their families.
3. To enjoy and PROTECT the natural resources and support Multiple Use Principles as applies to public lands.
4. To support the philosophy of "Tread Lightly!" and to the leave the trail in as good or better condition than we found it
Membership and Dues
1. The total number of members shall not be limited at any time.
2. Each Membership shall include immediate family, significant other or one regularly attending co-pilot.
3. Memberships and its fees are based on a calendar year, January 1 through December 31. T-N-T membership fees will not be prorated.
a. Membership will be based on T-N-T's yearly membership fee of $15.00. Membership includes full T-N-T privileges. At this time, T-N-T, as a club, will join SFWDA (Southern Four Wheel Drive Association) 'as a club'. All current T-N-T members are then eligible for all SFWDA benefits vendor discounts as a result of being a SFWDA member.
b. Any additional club or organization memberships will be up to the individual. T-N-T will not join any other groups other than the organizations noted in these By-Laws.
4. All persons applying for T-N-T membership will be required to attend a minimum of one club meeting and two club rides before their acceptance. T-N-T reserves the right to refuse any applicant. Applicants may re-apply at a later date. Upon acceptance toT-N-T, a completed application plus the appropriate membership fee must be given to the Membership Director or Treasurer.
5. All membership dues shall be paid no later than October 15 for the following calendar year. This payment can be received by mail, however personal contact is highly recommended. Any current member paying club dues after Oct 15 will pay the full membership fee plus a late fee of $5.00
6. Additional T-N-T funds will be raised by donations, fund-raisers or club functions.
7. An approved membership will receive one 4 inch round T-N-T sticker and one 12 month subscription of the T-N-T Newsletter All other expenses shall be the sole responsibly of the individual member.
8. Upon expiration of membership, former members shall be asked and are required to remove all forms of Trick'n'Traction 4 Wheel Drive club identification from their vehicles.
Meetings and Attendance
1. Meetings of T-N-T shall be held at an interval designated by the T-N-T officers and at such time and place as set by the Officers. Meeting shall be announced of their time and placed in the newsletter
2.The members and their spouses / significant other who attend a meeting will be the voting party on any issues brought up at the meeting.
Rides and Functions
1. T-N-T sponsored overnight rides (Major Rides) shall be planned and announced no less than 30 days in advance of the ride.
2. T-N-T sponsored day rides will be planned and announced no less than 1 week in advance.
3. T-N-T club members may plan impromptu rides at any time.
Administration of Officers
1. The officers of T-N-T shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Director.
2. Any officer may hold more than one club position with one exception. The President or Vice President cannot hold the position of Treasurer.
3. There will be no term limit for any T-N-T officer
4. Officers will be elected in a regularly scheduled meeting by a simple majority vote of the members present at the time of election.
5. Any officers may be removed from office by a simple majority vote at any regularly scheduled T-N-T meeting. The removal from office of any officer requires the officer be given written notice at least 14 days prior to the regularly scheduled T-N-T meeting where the removal will be discussed.
Expenditures and Finances
1. All moneys received from all sources shall be documented in the T-N-T receipt book and immediately turned over to the Treasurer for deposit into the checking account of T-N-T.
2. No withdrawal from the account shall be made without the approval of the President or Vice President.
3. All expenditures shall be made by check and items purchased shall be listed on or attached to the receipt for records.
4. All checks written through T-N-T's checking account shall have the signature of the Treasurer or the President or the Vice President.
5. At each regularly scheduled T-N-T meeting, an itemized list of any expenses disbursed, and/or deposits made since the last report shall be shared with all the members present.
6. Monthly bank statements shall be sent to the T-N-T club address.
1. All T-N-T members will conduct themselves in a respectable, mature, and orderly manner at all club activities.
2. No drugs or alcohol use will be tolerated on T-N-T trail rides.
3. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated in T-N-T, Sexual or Non-sexual. Harassment by any member of another member, family, guest, or any other persons will result in a warning and then their membership being revoked. Any alleged harasser may have their T-N-T membership revoked by a simple majority vote of the T-N-T officers.
4. T-N-T supports the philosophy of Tread Lightly. When trail riding, we will "Leave the trail in as good or better condition than we found it".
5. There will be no belligerent or excessive profanity at club activities.
6. No derisive actions against any one will be tolerated.
7. T-N-T members are responsible for their guests.
8. Any member found not abiding by the By-Laws of T-N-T is subject to having their T-N-T membership revoked by a majority vote of the T-N-T officers.
1. The By-Laws of T-N-T will be reviewed and/or updated by the officers as needed.
2. The By-Laws of T-N-T may be amended at any time by a two-third (2/3) majority vote of the attending members of a club meeting.
Dedication of Assets
The properties and assets of T-N-T are irrevocable dedicated to and for non-profit purposes only. No part of the new earnings, properties, or assets of this Organization, on dissolution or otherwise, shall inure to the benefit of any person or any member, director, or officer of this Organization. On liquidation or dissolution, all remaining properties and assets of the Organization shall be distributed and paid over to an organization dedicated to non-profit purposes which has established its tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501(c) of the Code.
January 1, 1999
rev. April 2, 2000
rev. April 14, 2001 (III, 4)
rev. Oct 7, 2001 (III, 7)
rev. April 4, 2004(III, 4)
rev. Sept 12, 2004 (III, 2, b)
rev. July 28,2007 (III,2)
rev. December 2, 2007 (III,2)
rev. January 4, 2009 (III,4 and IV, 2)
rev. June 8, 2010 (III, 2a and IV, 2)
rev. December 5, 2011 (III, 2, 2a, 4, and V, 1)
rev. January 14, 2017 (III, 2a)
rev. March 5, 2017 (VII, 3)
rev. March 2018 II(4), IV(1), V(1,2,3), VI(1,2,3,4,5), VII(2,3,4,5,6), VIII(2,4,6), IX (1) , and addition of X