October 27-28 - Overnighter in the Greeneville TN area
November 3 - SFWDA Meet and Ride at the Daniel Boone Back County Byway (Slade KY)
December 8 - **Tentative Date** Christmas Party at the Calvary Home of the Children (TNT's charity)
The TNT store is OPEN  
We do have a few extra green shirts and tan shirts available.
We are planning another 'group purchase' get your order in
50/50 RAFFLE
Rick Monroe won the 50/50 raffle, which benefits our charity and gave
'his "50%" back to the club's charity - thanks Rick!!.
Al won a 3/8" drive metric and standard size socket set,
thanks Michael for the tools, they will come in handy out on the trail
And Michael won a cool 'burlap bag' trail trash bag from one of Buddy's
Jeep Fest in Moab - thanks Bud!
We had a 'full house' and the October meeting. It was good to see
everyone together. We collected dues and lot of personal donations
for the TNT club membership to SFWDA - many thanks for everyone's donation.
If you need to renew your membership, please contact Michael.
October 27 - 28 - Overnighter in the Greeneville TN area
Off road trip to go ride with the 'Eastern TN' club members. Potential areas
are Horse Creek, Bumpas Cove, and maybe Viking Mountian.
Plans are to go up Friday night to Greeneville TN and get an early
start on Saturday and Sunday riding and come home Sunday.
Contact Jim if you plan on going so we can coordinate
accommodations and a departure time.
November 1 - 4 - SFWDA "meet and ride"
The third annual ride at the Daniel Boone Backcountry Byway (DBBB) in Slade
on Saturday the 3rd. Plans are to go up Thursday and ride the 80+ miles of the
DBBB trail system on Friday and hit the harder trails on Saturday.
Contact Jim if you plan on going so we can coordinate
accommodations and a departure time.